If you think about it, however, you can usually estimate them. Sometimes you may not know what the numbers are. Clarifying the impressiveness of the accomplishment.Making the accomplishment seem more valid, as opposed to being something that you exaggerated for the purposes of your resume.Demonstrating that you care about the value you bring to your employer through the extra thought it took to quantify the accomplishment.For example, change “substantially improved turnaround time” to “improved turnaround time by 15%.” Other examples include “increased revenue from $10 million to $14 million,” or “quadrupled Twitter followers, from around 10,000 to over 40,000.” Quantifying your accomplishments with numbers helps by: Your bullets will be even more effective if you add numerical data that supports your claims.

Saying “I did this, which resulted in that,” tells a mini-story and is more memorable and compelling than simply writing: “I did this” and leaving it at that. Making your bullets accomplishment-oriented enhances your resume relative to those who are just sharing responsibilities. You can stand out by sharing how well you executed those responsibilities. Look to take that extra, harder step seek to add the accomplishment, the “so what.” There’s a good chance that for any given job target (i.e., job description and organization type) you and your competition share similar responsibilities in your work history. Writing resume or LinkedIn profile bullet points that outline just your responsibilities is relatively easy. One of my clients, for example, an accountant, listed a bullet point that read: “Responsible for managing the monthly close.” After we discussed the impact she made through her management, we modified the text to read: “Managed the monthly close, reducing turnaround time by at least 30% while improving accuracy.” Do you feel the extra power that stems from including the accomplishment? When I first look at a client’s resume, I quite often see a list of bullet points that reflect only responsibilities.